Heavy metal cooking show Headbanger’s Kitchen hosted by Demonic Resurrectionfrontman Demonstealer releases a new episode featuring horror metal band Albatross.The show, features the creation of a dish called Uncle Sunny’s Mac & Cheese based on the latest single released by the band called ‘Uncle Sunny At The Tavern’. The band was grilled (no pun intended) about their new EP, international collaborations with Andy LaRocque (Death/King Diamond) and Niklas Stalvind (Wolf) and their love for old school metal.
“It was quite a challenge filming the new episode because as announced previously the production house Enter Guerrilla that used to produce the show couldn’t continue with us so the entire burden of the film, editing and production was on my shoulders, I know I made a few boo boo’s along the way but I’m getting the hang of this and it will only get better.” commented Demonstealer.
Dr.Hex from Albatross was quoted saying “Sahil’s cooking is so awesome that we almost gave up our fetish for human flesh. Well, maybe for a few days…”
The promo video that was released last week can be viewed here
The Episode can be viewed here
Or Watch here: