20th May 20, 2012 Mumbai:
Ex-guitarist of Mumbai based Hindi Rock act Shor Bazaar, Abhishek Dasgupta, has released his first official music video for the track ‘Balram’. The song, inspired by Bollywood and South Indian masala flicks, was first released on 15/10/2011 as part of his 3 track debut EP titled ‘EP 1’. The video has been made in collaboration with Suhaib Syed and BhushanGachake.
” When we set out to make this video, all we had in our mind was an idea. An idea strangled by doubts and uncertainties. None of us knew anything about video making and neither did we have the money to hire people. So, armed with a point and shoot camera, a budget of Rs.800 and relying solely on tutorials off the internet, we took the plunge and shot a test video. We spent 16hrs straight, working on a single shot, slowly adding new elements, learning at every step. We could not stop, concept or no concept, we wanted to shoot stuff just to see how it would turn out. And in the process we have had to surpass hurdles of laughable proportions, from not knowing how to edit, to not having a proper PC to edit on. When a friend was gracious enough to lend his old DSLR, we could not use it, simply because we had no idea how to set it up!
Finally, after six months of pushing our DIY skills to the limit, this is what we have. Although it’s made on a budget that could re-define the term “shoe-string”, it has turned out to be something, we feel, is worthy of your three minutes.” says Abhishek
Watch the Music Video ‘Balram‘ here:
You can download all of Abhishek Dasgupta’s songs for free here